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Chemistry Overview

Stacy Marshall

Consumer Safety Officer
Food and Drug Administration
New Orleans, LA

B.S. - Chemistry, Dillard University
Consumer Safety Officer
"When you are training for the field of chemistry, it is important to remember that you can do anything you want to do. What's important is to apply yourself to the job."

"The investigations branch of FDA is responsible for regulating food, drugs, and cosmetics on the manufacturing level. My job as a consumer safety officer involves going to drug companies and getting an overall picture of what they are doing and making sure that they are following FDA guidelines. This can mean inspecting their plants and looking at the processes they use. We also inspect blood banks because blood is considered a drug when used in transfusions.

In my previous position, I worked in the lab and was able to apply my degree in chemistry to the job. But I enjoy the work I'm doing now because it allows me to apply the theory and principles of chemistry to everyday situations. I have a sense of pride working for a government agency. I feel what I am doing is a public service.

When you are training for the field of chemistry, it is important to remember that you can do anything you want to do. What's important is to apply yourself to the job. When I first became a chemistry major, I found the work very difficult and considered changing my course of study. But when I thought about what I wanted to do with my life, I stayed committed to my love of science."


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