
The research doctorate is the highest earned academic degree in U.S.
postsecondary education. It is always awarded for independent research
at a professional level in either academic disciplines or professional
fields. Research doctorates earned at accredited institutions are not
awarded merely for completing coursework, professional preparation, or
for passing examinations.
of Doctoral Studies
Doctoral studies may
begin after completion of a bachelor's, master's, or first professional
degree. In some subjects it is the custom to begin a program leading
eventually to the doctorate immediately upon receiving a bachelor's or
first professional degree, while in others it is still customary to earn
a master's degree before enrolling for a doctorate.
Regardless of the entry point, doctoral studies involve three stages of
academic work. The first stage involves the completion of preliminary
course, seminar, and laboratory studies and the passing of a battery of
written examinations, usually called "writtens" or "comprehensives." If
successful at this stage the student is permitted to proceed with
doctoral studies, called advancement to candidacy. If not, he or she is
withdrawn from the program, in some cases with the possibility of
earning a master's degree. The first stage is often longer for students
that do not already possess a higher degree.
The second stage consists of a set of advanced seminars and consortia
during which the student selects a subject for the dissertation, forms a
dissertation committee, and designs his or her research. American
educators call the doctoral thesis a dissertation to distinguish it from
lesser theses. The dissertation committee consists of usually 3-5 senior
faculty in the student's research field, including his or her academic
adviser. They do not necessarily have to be from the student's own
university. Once the student has developed and presented a research
design acceptable to his or her adviser and committee, the independent
research phases begins.
Independent research and writing the dissertation can take anywhere from
one to several years depending upon the topic selected and the research
work necessary to prepare the dissertation. When the academic adviser is
convinced that the dissertation is of an acceptable standard to put
before the dissertation committee, the student delivers it to all
committee members and is scheduled for the dissertation defense. The
defense consists of an oral examination in depth before the committee
and invited guests during which the student must establish mastery of
the subject matter, explain and justify his or her research findings,
and answer all questions put by the committee. A successful defense
results in the award of the degree.
Some doctoral programs may include additional requirements such as
fieldwork or practica or evidence of teaching experience and skills. All
doctoral programs require that certain technical skills be mastered in
the first stage, including
mathematical and computer skills, or other specialized professional
competencies relevant to the field being studied.
to Degree
The number of years required to complete a U.S. research doctorate vary
by subject as well as by whether the student pauses during the program
or continues straight through to the end. The median time lapse from
earning a bachelor's degree to earning a research doctorate, for
students remaining registered, is (in academic years):
For Academic Disciplines:
Humanities - nearly 8 and one-half years
Life Sciences - seven years
Mathematics - nearly 7 years
Physical Sciences - nearly 7 years
Social Sciences/Psychology - seven and one-half years
For Professional and Applied
Business and Management - over 7 years
Education - over 8 years
Engineering - about 6 and one-half years
Other Professions - over 8 years.
The median number of
registered years for all fields is just over 7 years. This means that,
when added to the average of 4-5 years for a bachelor's degree, U.S.
citizens who earn an American research doctorate have spent around 11 or
more academic years in school as full-time students and researchers.
During that time they are in structured and supervised programs, not on
their own, and they do not benefit from government stipends or from any
legal privileges permitting them to enjoy protected student status.
Research Doctorates
The best-known research doctorate title awarded in the United States is
the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). However, there are a number of other
doctoral titles that enjoy the same status and represent variants of the
Ph.D. within certain fields. All of them have similar content
requirements. The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) recognizes many
degrees as equivalent to the Ph.D. The following are examples of those
that relate to the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, and healthcare:
- Doctor of
Architecture (D.Arch.)
- Doctor of Applied
Science (D.A.S.)
- Doctor of
Business Administration (D.B.A.)
- Doctor of
Chemistry (D.Chem.)
- Doctor of
Environmental Design (D.E.D.)
- Doctor of
Engineering (D.Eng.)
- Doctor of
Environment (D.Env.)
- Doctor of
Engineering Science (D.E.Sc./Sc.D.E.)
- Doctor of
Forestry (D.F.)
- Doctor of
Geological Science (D.G.S.)
- Doctor of
Industrial Technology (D.I.T.)
- Doctor of Library
Science (D.L.S.)
- Doctor of Medical
Science (D.M.Sc.)
- Doctor of Nursing
Science (D.N.Sc.)
Doctor of Public Health (D.P.H.)
- Doctor of
Professional Studies (D.P.S.)
Doctor of Design (Dr.DES.)
- Doctor of Science
Doctor of Science in Dentistry (D.Sc.D.)
- Doctor of Science
and Hygiene (D.Sc.H.)
- Doctor of Science
in Veterinary Medicine (D.Sc.V.M.)
- Doctor of Social
Work (D.S.W.)
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
- Doctor of the
Science of Law (L.Sc.D.)
- Doctor of
Rehabilitation (Rh.D.)
Bear in mind that
first-professional doctoral degrees are not research doctorates in those
fields. The research doctorate in all such fields is either the Ph.D. or
one of the related research doctorates named in the list immediately
above. As with master's degrees, the
institution awarding the doctorate has considerable discretion as to the
titles it uses for degrees, and thus institutional nomenclature may
differ even in the same subject.
Note: Some resources in
this section are provided by the U.S. Department
of Education.