Internships and
Cooperative Education (Coops) provide students with a great opportunity to
gain real-world experience while still in school. In addition to giving
students direct experience in the field they are considering, interaction
with others in the field can help provide perspective on career path
options. Don't wait until your third year to think about an
internship or co-op assignment. Sometimes companies take on interns after
their freshman or sophomore year. Students have an opportunity to work in
an engineering lab or in manufacturing and they learn some of the realities
of how industrial products are developed and manufactured.
University Career Center Resources
It's a good idea to begin planning your coop or internship many months
ahead of when you want to start the experience. Many university
career centers offer resources on local internship and coop
opportunities. A good example of a university career center's coop
site may be found at Drexel
University. Another good site with information on Co-ops is the career
center site at the Rochester
Institute of Technology.
Corporation Resources
Students should also contact companies directly to explore options and
express an interest in the field. Many large corporations have
websites dedicated to internships, which explain the application process
and upcoming positions. According to General Motors, "Co-op
students have the opportunity to explore career options in a variety of
areas while continuing with their class schedules. The hands-on, practical
experience will make it easier for students to decide on a specific career
direction while the income from the work can help to defray some
educational expenses." Examples of corporation coop sites may be found
at IBM,
Motors, NASA, GE
Aircraft Engines, and Texas Instruments.
Professional Society Resources
Some professional societies sponsor or help organize internships for
students. For example, the Society of Physics Students supports National Internships
that offer nine-week, broad-based learning opportunities for undergraduate
physics majors in the areas of scientific research, outreach, and policy.
Other examples can be found at the Nucleus Summer
Research Opportunities site, which is sponsored by both the American
Association of Physics Teachers and SPS. And, the American Chemical Society
supports an International Research Experiences for Undergraduates (IREU)
program. Click here for links to other professional
societies related to your field of interest.
Additional Online Resources
The following sites offer additional resources on