The development and deployment of machinery was responsible for one of
the great advances in human history, the industrial revolution.
Machinery encompasses a vast range of products, ranging from huge
industrial turbines costing millions of dollars to the common lawn
mower, but all machinery has one common defining feature: it either
reduces or eliminates the amount of human work required to accomplish a
task. Machinery is critical to the production of many of the Nation's
goods and services because nearly every workplace in every industry uses
some form of machinery. From the farm tractor to the commercial
refrigerator in use by your favorite restaurant, machinery is necessary
for the way we live today. Thus, while people never use or even see most
of the machinery that makes their lifestyles possible, they use the
products it makes every day.
machinery manufacturing industry comprises seven more detailed industry
segments, as shown in table 1. Three of these make machinery designed
for a particular industry -- called special purpose machinery:
agriculture, construction, and mining machinery manufacturing,
industrial machinery manufacturing, and commercial and service machinery
manufacturing. The other four segments make machinery used by many
different industries -- called general purpose machinery: ventilation,
heating, air-conditioning, and commercial refrigeration equipment
manufacturing, metalworking machinery manufacturing, engine, turbine,
and power transmission equipment manufacturing; and other general
purpose machinery manufacturing.
distribution of employment and establishments in
machinery manufacturing by detailed industry sector,
2008 |
segment |
Employment |
Establishments |
Total |
100.0 |
100.0 |
construction, and mining machinery manufacturing |
20.0 |
11.9 |
machinery manufacturing |
16.0 |
32.6 |
heating, air-conditioning, and commercial refrigeration
equipment manufacturing |
12.6 |
7.0 |
machinery manufacturing |
10.2 |
13.3 |
and service industry manufacturing |
9.0 |
9.3 |
turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing |
8.8 |
3.8 |
Other general
purpose machinery manufacturing |
23.3 |
22.1 |
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, 2008. |
The metalworking
machinery industry segment makes the machinery and tools that form, cut,
and shape metals. The same properties that make metal a desirable
component in many goods—strength and durability—also make it a difficult
material to form. The specialized drills, grinders, molds, presses, and
rollers needed to form metal, as well as the accessories used by these
machines, are made in this industry. Metalworking machinery
manufacturing has a disproportionately large share of the establishments
that make up the machinery manufacturing industry because many such
shops are small, with over half employing fewer than 20 workers.
agriculture, construction, and mining machinery manufacturing industry
segment is made up of much larger establishments that produce both
large, sophisticated machines and common household equipment. Examples
include leaf blowers and tillers, for personal and commercial use;
bulldozers and backhoes, used in construction of roads and buildings;
grinders and borers, used for both surface and underground mining; and
oil and gas field drilling machinery and derricks, used for extracting
these resources.
The ventilation,
heating, air-conditioning, and commercial refrigeration equipment
manufacturing industry segment makes climate-control machinery for
residential and commercial buildings. In addition to heating and cooling
equipment, this industry makes air purification equipment, which is
increasingly common in new construction, and commercial refrigeration
equipment, which is used primarily for food storage.
commercial and service machinery manufacturing industry segment produces
the machinery that is used by firms that provide services. For example,
firms in this segment produce commercial versions of household
appliances -- such as laundry equipment used in laundromats, coffee
makers, and microwave ovens used by restaurants, and vacuum cleaners
used by cleaning services. Other large components of this industry are
manufacturers of automatic vending machines, non-electronic office
machinery like typewriters and mail sorters, non-digital cameras,
photocopiers, and machinery used to make optical lenses.
industrial machinery manufacturing industry segment makes machinery used
to produce finished goods from raw materials. The materials processed by
this segment's products include wood, plastics, rubber, paper, textiles,
food, glass, and oil. Machinery manufactured in this segment also is
used in printing and bookbinding and in making semiconductors and
circuit boards.
The engine, turbine,
and power transmission equipment manufacturing segment includes a
variety of machines that transfer one type of work into another.
Turbines use the energy from the motion of steam, gas, water, or wind to
create mechanical power by turning a drive shaft. Along with gears,
speed changers, clutches, drive chains, and pulleys—all also made in
this segment—turbines put assembly lines and other industrial machinery
in motion. Attached to a generator, turbines also create electrical
power. This industry segment also produces diesel and other internal
combustion engines and their components that are used to power portable
generators, air compressors, pumps, and other equipment. Aircraft and
motor vehicle engines are made by the aerospace
product and parts manufacturing and motor
vehicle and parts manufacturing industries, respectively, which
appear elsewhere in the Career Guide.
last segment -- other general purpose machinery manufacturing --
produces miscellaneous machines used primarily by manufacturing
industries. These include pumps, compressors, welding and soldering
equipment, and packaging machinery. This segment also makes a variety of
materials handling equipment -- such as industrial trucks and tractors,
overhead cranes and hoists, conveyors, and many types of hydraulic
equipment -- used in manufacturing and other industries. Other common
machinery produced by this segment includes scales and balances,
power-driven handtools, and elevators, escalators, and moving walkways.
The wide range of products made in the machinery manufacturing industry
means that it includes establishments of all sizes. In general, however,
the larger and more complicated the machinery is, the larger the
manufacturing facility must be to produce it. Thus, large establishments
tend to be a characteristic of the agriculture, construction, and mining
machinery and the ventilation, heating, air-conditioning, and commercial
refrigeration equipment segments, while the metalworking machinery
segment has the smallest ones.
The size of an establishment also contributes to how some machinery is
produced. Large firms involved in manufacturing machinery tend to have a
multistage production process, with separate teams of individuals
responsible for design and testing, manufacture of parts, and for
assembly of the finished product. Nonetheless, there is considerable
interaction between the various types of workers; for example, design
offices are often located near the factory floor to promote interaction
with production workers. Small establishments, in contrast, may have a
handful of workers responsible for the entire production process.
machinery manufacturing industry, like all U.S. manufacturers, continues
to evolve. Domestic and foreign competition has required the industry to
adopt new technologies and techniques to lower costs and raise the
productivity of its workforce. For example, using high-technology
production techniques, including robots, computers, and programmable
equipment results in productivity gains and helps to maximize the use of
available equipment and workers. Increasing technology and automation
also reduces the number of unskilled workers needed in the production
Pressures to reduce
costs and maximize profits have also caused manufacturers in the
industry to adopt new business practices. One example is the practice of
contracting out support functions, such as janitorial and security jobs,
and increasing numbers of administrative services and warehouse and
shipping jobs. Rather than employ workers directly for these jobs, a
manufacturer will often contract with another company that specializes
in providing these services. This practice reduces costs by forcing
service providers to compete for the work, allows manufacturers to focus
on their core design and production activities, and increases
manufacturers' flexibility by letting them add and subtract contract
workers more easily than they could hire and fire employees.
These changes have had a
profound effect on the machinery manufacturing workforce. By automating
many of the production processes and outsourcing many of the
administrative and support functions, it has reduced the need for many
less skilled workers and increased the skill level required for the
remaining workers. These changes are allowing the industry to remain
competitive and meet the demand for machinery that other industries rely
Production workers in the machinery manufacturing industry generally
encounter conditions that are much improved from the past. New
facilities in particular tend to be clean, well lighted, and temperature
controlled. Noise can still be a factor, however, especially in larger
production facilities.
machinery manufacturing industry provided 1.2 million wage and salary
jobs in 2008. Employment was relatively evenly distributed among all
segments of the industry. There were about 30,500 establishments in the
industry; about 15,100 employed fewer than 10 workers. However, 40
percent of workers were employed in establishments of 250 workers or
distribution of employment and establishments in
machinery manufacturing by detailed industry sector,
2008 |
segment |
Employment |
Establishments |
Total |
100.0 |
100.0 |
construction, and mining machinery manufacturing |
20.0 |
11.9 |
machinery manufacturing |
16.0 |
32.6 |
heating, air-conditioning, and commercial refrigeration
equipment manufacturing |
12.6 |
7.0 |
machinery manufacturing |
10.2 |
13.3 |
and service industry manufacturing |
9.0 |
9.3 |
turbine, and power transmission equipment manufacturing |
8.8 |
3.8 |
Other general
purpose machinery manufacturing |
23.3 |
22.1 |
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, 2008. |
Although machinery
manufacturing jobs are located throughout the country, certain States
account for the greatest numbers of jobs. About a third of all jobs were
located in the Midwestern States of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio,
and Wisconsin. Populous states such as California, Texas, New York, and
Pennsylvania also had large numbers of jobs.
Paths into this Industry
It takes a wide variety of occupations to create and produce a machine,
including engineers, technicians, production and assembly workers,
supervisors and managers, and support personnel.
any work can begin on the production of a particular piece of machinery,
an extensive process to create and test the design must be completed.
This process can take up to several years, depending on the complexity
of the machinery. The work is done primarily by engineers and
technicians, although because of the range of tasks involved, different
types of these workers are required.
Engineering managers oversee the entire design process. Much of the
design work is done by engineers, who first develop a concept of what a
new machine should do or how an existing one could be improved. Starting
with this concept, they use computer modeling and simulating software to
design the machine. Using software and prototypes, they also test
performance, cost, reliability, ease of use, and other factors important
to both producers and consumers of the final product.
Most engineers specialize in a particular facet of design. Mechanical
engineers design the moving parts of the machine, such as the gears,
levers, and pistons in engine and hydraulic systems. They also direct
the work of mechanical engineering technicians, who run tests on
materials and parts before they are assembled into the final product.
For machines with complicated electric or electronic systems, electrical
and electronics engineers also assist in the design and testing process.
Industrial engineers determine how best to allocate the resources of the
factory -- both workers and equipment -- for optimal production.
Once a design is finished and simulation testing is complete, mechanical
drafters create the plans that production workers use in the assembly of
the machine. They provide specifications and diagrams for each part
required, as well as assembly instructions for the final product.
Computer control programmers and operators manage the automatic
metalworking machines that can mass produce individual parts. They also
write programs based upon the specifications of the part that defines
what operation the machine should perform. Machinists produce precision
parts that require particular skill or that are needed in quantities too
small to require the use of automated machinery. Welding, soldering, and
brazing workers operate machines that join two or more pieces of metal
together; they may also weld manually as well.
The sales function for
many companies is increasingly important; sales representatives and
sales engineers often work together to market the company's machines to
potential buyers, demonstrating how the machine may reduce costs or
increase sales. They also explain how to operate the machine and answer
buyer's questions. Sales engineers, in particular, use their technical
background to advise clients on how the machine can best be applied in
their individual circumstances and to suggest custom designs or
modifications to the equipment as needed.
in machinery manufacturing is expected to continue its long-term decline
as productivity increases allow companies to produce more goods with
fewer workers.
Wage and salary employment in the machinery manufacturing industry is
expected to decrease 8 percent over the 2008-18 period compared with an
11 percent increase for all industries combined. Most segments of the
industry are expected to experience a decline in employment.
The main factor
affecting the level of employment in the machinery manufacturing
industry is the high rate of productivity growth. Increases in
productivity allow companies to produce more goods with the same number
of workers. Even though output in machinery manufacturing is expected to
increase significantly, firms will be able to meet the increase through
higher productivity of existing workers, rather than by creating new
jobs. Import competition is not as big of a factor in machinery
manufacturing as in other sectors of the manufacturing industry.
Machines must be made precisely, requiring highly skilled employees; as
a result, most production will continue to be located domestically.
In contrast to the
projected declines in employment, demand for machinery is expected to
remain strong. Machinery is important for all industries because it
boosts productivity, and advances in technology will make machinery even
more efficient and thus more desirable. Demand for machinery is highly
sensitive to cyclical swings in the economy, however, causing employment
in machinery manufacturing to fluctuate. During periods of economic
prosperity, companies invest in new equipment in order to boost
production. When economic growth slows, however, many companies are
reluctant to purchase new machinery. These changes in demand cause
machinery manufacturers to replace fewer workers who leave or even lay
off some workers.
overall employment in the machinery manufacturing industry is expected
to decline, the outlook for occupations will vary; some will experience
larger declines than others, while some will even experience growth
instead. Increased automation and more efficient production processes
will cause employment declines in assembler and fabricator occupations.
Office and administrative support workers will also experience declines
as a result of increased automation and contracting out. Employment in
professional occupations will experience smaller declines relative to
other occupations in the industry, as these workers are responsible for
increasing innovation and competitiveness in the industry.
Despite the decline in
employment projected for this sizeable industry, a significant number of
job openings will become available because of the need to replace
workers who retire or move to jobs outside of the industry. Machinery
manufacturing establishments will continually be seeking to hire more
highly skilled workers, especially persons with good basic educational
skills that make good candidates to be trained for the high skilled jobs
of twenty-first century manufacturing. Workers with these skills are
expected to experience good job prospects.
Degree Fields
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.