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Aerospace Engineering Overview

Debra Sue Nelson

Mathematical Software Programmer
The Boeing Company
Seattle, WA


B.S. - Aerospace Engineering, University of Washington
M.S. - Applied Mathematics / Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Washington

Mathematical Software Programmer, working on a mathematical and statistical library project.

Debra finds it very challenging to balance having a small child and a full-time career. She tries to leave work at work and focuses on only family things when at home.

Nelson: "Some of the projects I work mostly by myself and some of the projects are on teams. The team projects are typically mathematical libraries of subroutines so we all support the library on different machines and we all develop routines for the library. The projects that I tend to work on more by myself are when I write a complete program to solve a problem for an Engineering group within Boeing."

Nelson: "I have an 18 month old son, so he keeps me very busy. Besides that I like to do some hiking and some camping and my husband and I are both big sports fans so we go to a lot of baseball and football games and a few basketball games. It's very challenging to have small children and a full-time career and what I really try to do is leave work at work and when I get home, focus on the family and things I have to do at home and then when I get up the next morning, it's time to focus on work again. You really have to draw a line and not try and mix the two."


 Computer Science
 Engineering Technology
  -- Aerospace
  -- Agricultural
  -- Architectural
  -- Bioengineering
  -- Chemical
  -- Civil
  -- Computer
  -- Electrical
  -- Environmental
  -- Industrial
  -- Manufacturing
  -- Materials
  -- Mechanical
  -- Nuclear
  -- Mining
  -- Petroleum
  -- Software
  -- Others



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