Biological scientists hold about 91,300 jobs in the United States. In
addition, many biological scientists held biology faculty positions in
colleges and universities but are not included in these numbers. About 40
percent of all biological scientists were employed by Federal, state, and
local governments. Federal biological scientists worked mainly for the U.S.
Departments of Agriculture, Interior, and Defense and for the National
Institutes of Health. Most of the rest worked in scientific research and
testing laboratories, the pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
industry, or educational institutions.
The following is a partial list of employers of Biologists:
Pharmaceutical and
Biotechnology Companies
and Medical Centers
U.S. Federal Government
- Aquaria
- Botanical Gardens
- Colleges and Universities
- K-12 Schools
- Museums
- Zoos
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by JGPerpich, LLC
and the US Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics.