Professional Organizations
Professional organizations and associations provide a wide range of
resources for planning and navigating a career in environmental engineering.
These groups can play a key role in your development and
keep you abreast of what is happening in your industry. Associations
promote the interests of their members and provide a network of contacts
that can help you find jobs and move your career forward. They can offer a
variety of services including job referral services, continuing education
courses, insurance, travel benefits, periodicals, and meeting and
conference opportunities. A broader
list of professional associations is also available by
clicking here.
Academy of Environmental Engineers
The American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE) is dedicated
to excellence in the practice of environmental engineering to ensure
the public health, safety, and welfare to enable humankind to
co-exist in harmony with nature. The Academy is the lead society for
environmental engineering education program accreditation. Through
this process, the Academy ensures that educational standards are
responsive to the needs of the professional and that tomorrow's
engineers will meet the needs of the profession.
Institute of Chemical Engineer Environmental Division
The American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE, was founded in 1908. AIChE
is a professional association that
provides leadership in advancing the chemical engineering
profession. The AIChE Environmental Division is a division within
AIChE that focuses on environmental issues.
Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is an
educational and scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of
engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems.
Environmental & Water Resources Institute
EWRI is a specialty
organization within the American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The diverse members who are
coming under the EWRI umbrella include these engineering team
professionals: environmental and water resources engineers and
scientists, hydrologists, chemists and biologists,
planners and economists, equipment suppliers,
academicians, researchers, attorneys, and others involved in "wet
and environmental" projects and research.
Environmental Engineering Division
Environmental Engineering Division promotes the art, science
and practice of engineering in all issues pertaining to the
environment. Originally, the Division's main business was pollution
controls for emissions from electric power generation plants. Today,
the Division fosters developments and applications in air, ground,
and water pollution technologies and is breaking ground into many
multi-disciplinary areas of the environment.
Environment Federation
Founded in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a
not-for-profit technical and educational organization with members
from varied disciplines who work toward the WEF vision of
preservation and enhancement of the global water environment. The
WEF network includes water quality professionals from 76 Member
Associations in 30 countries.