Career Path Forecast
Employment of
occupational therapists is projected to grow 27 percent from 2014 to 2024,
much faster than the average for all occupations. Occupational therapy will
continue to be an important part of treatment for people with various
illnesses and disabilities, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy,
autism, or the loss of a limb.
The need for
occupational therapists is expected to increase as the large baby-boom
generation ages and people remain active later in life. Occupational
therapists can help senior citizens maintain their independence by
recommending home modifications and strategies that make daily activities
easier. Therapists also play a large role in the treatment of many
conditions and ailments commonly associated with aging, such as arthritis
and stroke.
therapists also will be needed in a variety of healthcare settings to treat
patients with chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Patients will continue
to seek noninvasive outpatient treatment for long-term disabilities and
illnesses, either in their homes or in residential care environments. These
patients may need occupational therapy to become more independent in and to
perform a variety of daily tasks.
Demand for
occupational therapy services also will stem from patients with autism
spectrum disorder. More therapists will be needed in schools to assist
children with autism in improving their social skills and accomplishing a
variety of daily tasks. Demand for occupational therapy services is related
to the ability of patients to pay, either directly or through health
insurance. The number of individuals who have access to health insurance is
expected to continue to increase because of federal health insurance
reform. Both rehabilitation and habilitation services are included among
essential health benefits to be covered by insurers; however, coverage may
vary by state.
Job opportunities should be good for licensed occupational
therapists in all settings, particularly acute hospital, rehabilitation,
and orthopedic settings, because the elderly receive most of their
treatment in these settings. Occupational therapists with specialized
knowledge in a treatment area also will have better job prospects.
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor