Employment and Earnings
therapists hold about 114,600 jobs in the United States. The largest
employers of occupational therapists are as follows: Hospitals; state,
local, and private, 27%; Offices of physical, occupational and speech
therapists, and audiologists, 24%; Elementary and secondary schools; state,
local, and private, 12%; Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing
facilities), 9%; and Home healthcare services, 9%.
A small number of occupational therapists were self-employed
in private practice. These practitioners treated clients referred by other
health professionals.
In terms of earnings, the median annual wage for
occupational therapists was $81,910 in May 2016. The median wage is the
wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that
amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than
$54,200, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $119,720. In May 2016,
the median annual wages for occupational therapists in the top industries
in which they worked were as follows::
Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities)
Home healthcare services
Offices of physical, occupational and speech therapists, and
Hospitals; state, local, and private
Elementary and secondary schools; state, local, and private
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor