A bachelor's degree in meteorology or
atmospheric science, or in a closely related field with courses in
meteorology, usually is the minimum educational requirement for an
entry-level position as an atmospheric scientist. A master's degree is necessary for some
positions, and a Ph.D. degree is
required for most basic research positions.
The preferred educational requirement for entry-level
meteorologists in the Federal Government is a bachelor's degree -- not
necessarily in meteorology -- with at least 24 semester hours of
meteorology/atmospheric science courses, including 6 hours in the analysis
and prediction of weather systems, 6 hours of atmospheric dynamics and
thermodynamics, 3 hours of physical meteorology, and 2 hours of remote
sensing of the atmosphere or instrumentation. Other required courses
include 3 semester hours of ordinary differential equations, 6 hours of
college physics, and at least 9 hours of courses appropriate for a physical
science major -- such as statistics,
chemistry, physical oceanography,
physical climatology, physical hydrology, radiative transfer, aeronomy (the study of the upper atmosphere), advanced
thermodynamics, advanced electricity and magnetism, light and optics, and computer science. Sometimes, a
combination of education and appropriate experience may be substituted for
a degree.
Although positions in operational meteorology are available
for those with only a bachelor's degree, obtaining a second bachelor's
degree or a master's degree enhances employment opportunities, pay, and
advancement potential. A master's degree usually is necessary for
conducting applied research and development, and a Ph.D. is required for
most basic research positions. Students planning on a career in research
and development do not necessarily need to major in atmospheric science or
meteorology as an undergraduate. In fact, a bachelor's degree in
mathematics, physics, or engineering provides excellent preparation for
graduate study in atmospheric science.
Because atmospheric science is a small field, relatively few
colleges and universities offer degrees in meteorology or atmospheric
science, although many departments of physics, earth science, geography,
and geophysics offer atmospheric science and related courses. Prospective students should make certain that courses required
by the National Weather Service and other employers are offered at the
college they are considering. Computer science courses, additional
meteorology courses, a strong background in mathematics and physics, and
good communication skills are important to prospective employers.
Students should also take courses in subjects that are most
relevant to their desired area of specialization. For example, those who
wish to become broadcast meteorologists for radio or television stations
should develop excellent communication skills through courses in speech,
journalism, and related fields. Students interested in air quality work
should take courses in chemistry and supplement their technical training
with coursework in policy or government affairs. Prospective meteorologists
seeking opportunities at weather consulting firms should possess knowledge
of business, statistics, and economics, as an increasing emphasis is being
placed on long-range seasonal forecasting to assist businesses.
Also, the National Weather Service and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) sponsor an online training program called COMET Completing such coursework may help prospective atmospheric scientists to have better job prospects.
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. |