hold about 170,200 jobs in the United States. Educational institutions
employ about 29 percent of psychologists in positions other than
teaching, such as counseling, testing, research, and administration.
About 21 percent are employed in health care, primarily in offices of
mental health practitioners, hospitals, physicians' offices, and
outpatient mental health and substance abuse centers. Government
agencies at the State and local levels employ psychologists in
correctional facilities, law enforcement, and other settings.
After several years of
experience, some psychologists -- usually those with doctoral degrees --
enter private practice or set up private research or consulting firms.
About 34 percent of psychologists are self-employed, mainly as private
In addition to the
previously mentioned jobs, many psychologists hold faculty positions at
colleges and universities and as high school psychology teachers.
Note: Some resources in this section are provided by the US Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.